Sales Tax Exemption for Manufacturers

Sales Tax Exempt image

The SRMA was instrumental in the Sales and Use Tax Exemption which temporarily went into effect in 2014 and became permanent in 2017.

This exemption is available to any business whose primary business activity at the location where the industrial machinery and equipment is used to manufacture, process, compound, or produce items of tangible personal property for sale is specified in North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes (2007) 31, 32, or 33 (Manufacturing).

More information and forms can be found on Florida’s website by clicking HERE.

In addition, on May 19, 2022, the SRMA hosted, and CLA presented, a “Sales Tax Exemptions for Manufacturers” webinar. 
You can
- View the slide deck by clicking the link below.
- Watch the recording HERE.  Passcode:   =zN!mF8@

SAMA Gold Business Partners